Wednesday 19 August 2020

More about IVF Treatment

 Now we can strongly say that IVD or In-Vitro Fertilization is a household word. But quite a long time ago, this was a mysterious procedure for treating the infertility that was then known as "test-tube babies." To your knowledge, Louise Brown that was born in England in 1978 was the first baby to be born through this procedure.  


In this process of fertilization, the eggs and sperms are combined outside the body in a laboratory. Once the embryo forms, they are then placed in the women’s womb. Although, IVF is quiet an expensive and complex process, but now most of the couple seek this procedure for having their child. Since its development in the U.S. in 1981, IVF and other procedures that are used for developing a child have resulted in more than 200,000 babies. Now, for treating this, most of the couples rely upon best IVF centre in Bilaspur.

What Causes of Infertility Can IVF Treat?

When we talk about the infertility, then IVF could be the option for you if you and your partner have been diagnosed with one such:

·         Endometriosis

·         Low sperm counts

·         Problems with the uterus or fallopian tubes

·         Problems with ovulation

·         Antibody issues which harm the sperm or eggs

·         Inability of sperm to penetrate or survive in the cervical mucus

·         Poor egg quality

·         Genetic disease of male or female

·         Unexplained fertility problem

IVF is never the first step in treating the infertility except in the cases of complete tubal blockage. Other than that, this process is saved for the cases where other treatments such as the as fertility drugs, surgery, and artificial insemination doesn’t work out. If, by chance, you also think that the IVF would make sense to you, then it is important that you carefully assess the treatment center before you undergo any such procedure. Before you finalize everything, you must ask some of the questions to the best gynecologist in Chhattisgarh at the fertility clinic:

·         What is the pregnancy ratio per embryo transfer of your clinic?

·         What is the pregnancy rate for the couples of our age group that comes with the fertility problems?

·         What is the live birth rate for all the couples who have experienced this process at your fertility clinic?

·         How many of those deliveries would be twins or other multiple births?

·         How much of the total would be your procedure cost, which includes the hormone treatments as well?

·         How much would it cost to store the embryos and for how long it could be stored?

Therefore, it is vital that you ask these set of questions to the best gynecologist in Chhattisgarh so as to choose the best one.;-Complications