Tuesday 9 November 2021

Procedure of Test Tube Baby

 The term test tube baby clears the fact that a baby conceived outside a woman's body. If we talk about it in a more specific way, then it means that baby conceived in a laboratory through scientific procedure of IVF. Most of the people get confused in between IVF and test tube baby procedure. But let me tell you that it is just a simple terms that is used in the place of IVF. If you are one of those couples who have been trying to conceive but aren't able to do that with natural ways, when you can go for the test tube baby centre in Korba as you can get best fertility treatment over there. Are you aware of the procedure that takes place introducing a baby through test tube baby? If not, then here in this article in which we are going to talk about the whole procedure of test tube baby.


·         Step 1: Just before the egg retrieval, the woman is given hormones of gonadotropins so as to promote the synchronous growth and maturation of the follicles inside her ovaries. Before 36 hours of the egg collection, the woman is given an injection of HCG and then final maturation of the eggs is accomplished.

·         Step 2: During the process of egg retrieval, the woman is given a mild sedative so that she don't feel any pain or discomfort during the procedure. Then by using an ultrasound vaginal probe, the fertility specialist aspirates eggs from the woman's ovaries. The eggs are then brought to the laboratory.

·         Step 3: On the same day of the egg retrieval, the man is asked to produce a fresh semen sample.

·         Step 4: After that, the egg and sperm are mix together in a Petri dish and is placed inside an incubator for duration of few days. During these days, the fertility specialist checks for the signs of fertilization and also checks for the growth of embryos.

·         Step 5: After the embryos are formed in the laboratory, it is then transferred into the uterus of the women. If the uterine lining of the women is not strong enough, then she is advised to inject HCG daily.

Any couple who has been unsuccessful for a year of trying to have a baby, then they must actually go for visiting test tube baby centre in Chhattisgarh as it will help you in conceiving at the right time and by the right treatment.

Sri Siddhi Vinayak Test Tube Baby Center in Bilaspur has been established with the prime goal of providing moral, emotional, ethical and most advanced treatment in Bilaspur, Chhattisgarh. Our team has expertise in IUI, IVF, IVF – ICSI, Laser Assisted Hatching & Blastocyst Culture, PESA, Surgical Sperm Retrieval, Donor Egg & Surrogacy. We offer test tube baby, high risk pregnancy management, nursung & maternity services in Janjgir Champa, Korba, Mungeli & Baloda bazar also.

Tuesday 28 September 2021

Main Causes of Abnormal Menstruation

 Most of the women or girls experience menstruation that last for 4 to 7 days. Generally, women's menstruation occurs in every 28 days but normal menstruation can range from 21 days to 35 days. If a woman faces problems in having periods in between those days or have irregular periods, then this may be considered as have normal menstruation. It gives rise to a number of other issues that may not be good for health. Therefore, it is always considered a wise decision to visit the best gynecologist in Chhattisgarh and take the best treatment possible. 


In this blog, we are going to talk about the causes of abnormal menstruation or periods. So, let's get started with it!

·         Stress & lifestyle factors: Some of the disruptions in a woman's life like gaining or losing good amount of weight, dieting, doing heavy exercises, illness can affect her menstruation.

·         Birth control pills: Most off the birth control pills that a woman consumes so as to delay pregnancy contains a combination of estrogen and progestin hormone which prevents pregnancy from keeping the ovaries from releasing the eggs. If you start to consume birth control pills all together, then it can result in irregular or missed periods.

·         Uterine polyps or fibroids: According to the gynecologist in Bilaspur, Chhattisgarh, Uterine fibroids are considered as a small beginning to non cancerous growth that it is in the lining of the uterus. These get attached to the wall of the uterus and there could be one or many fibroids. These tumors can cause heavy bleeding and pain during the menstrual cycle.

·         Endometriosis: You won't be aware of the fact that the endometrial tissue that is on the lining of the uterus breaks down every month and is just started with the bleeding. The situation of endometriosis occurs when the tissue starts to grow outside the uterus. It can cause abnormal bleeding, cramps and painful intercourse.

·         PCOS: In this condition, the ovaries make large amount of androgens which can be diagnosed in ultrasound. It prevents the egg from measuring and therefore evolution doesn't take place consistently. A woman with PCOS can experience irregular periods or stop menstruating completely. This results in extreme weight gain and more issues.

The above mentioned are some of the causes of abnormal menstruation. It is important that you visit gynecologist in Bilaspur so as to know the exact cause of your abnormal menstruation. You must not ignore this condition as ignorance can cause major health hazard in the future.






















Saturday 4 September 2021

Great Advantages Linked With IVF Treatment at the Best Ivf Centre in Bilaspur

 Since the introduction of IVF treatment in 1978 by Patrick Steptoe and Robert Edwards, many people have got their dream of becoming parents fulfilled. Here you will learn about the benefits of IVF treatment that the best IVF centre in Bilaspur promises in delivering.



IVF helps many who are unable to conceive. The final benefit of Ivf is to achieve a successful pregnancy and a healthy infant. IVF treatment at IVF Center Bilaspur makes it a reality.

Patients with low ovarian reserve-

IVF can be used for increasing the probability of older patients conceiving. At the best IVF centre in Bilaspur, you will find a team of professionals who have worked and are working with older women and those with low ovarian reserve. They use natural IVF to concentrate on eggs quality instead of quantity.

Blocked tubes-

For ladies with damaged or blocked fallopian tubes, this cure provides the best chances of having a kid using their eggs.

Male infertility-

Couples with male unproductiveness problems will have higher chances of conceiving through IVF at IVF centre Bilaspur. They have several lab techniques that facilitate this including ICSI. 


It is a common condition in which there is a hormone imbalance that leads to irregular menstrual cycles. IVF has proved very successful in patients with PCOS that won’t conceive with ovulation induction.

Premature ovarian failure-

Women with this can undergo IVF through donor eggs that usually have a greater success rate.

More benefits-

IVF has been used for a long and holds a safe track record-

The first infant named Louise Brown was born using IVF (Natural IVF). Since then, the technology has been highly developed and the methods are advanced to create a safe and successful cure. The safest form of IVF is used with fewer drugs to reduce the risk of adverse effects.

IVF can be successful always-

The success rate of IVF is increasing at a faster speed since its beginning and that has become possible due to technological advancement. The other forms associated with reproduction technology can be successful for a few infertile couples and on the whole, they haven’t undergone the same level of enhancement and also don’t have a success rate.

IVF helps identifying fertilization issues-

In some cases of unsolved fertility, there can be an issue with fertilization. Cases like these mightn’t be diagnosed until fertilization is attempted in the lab. Although this would be a disappointing outcome, it is useful to uncover such issues so that solutions can be reached for future conduct.

These benefits guarantee that IVF isn’t a treatment to be ignored. You must go best IVF centre in Bilaspur and get it from a team of capable doctors.
















