Friday 10 June 2022

When is The Right Time To Consult An Infertility Specialist?

 Infertility is one of the common issues that affect both men and women. Couples aren’t comfortable enough to discuss their issues with a professional. Due to this, they try to explore more natural methods of conceiving for a year before they make proceed with a decision. But it is always suggested that you must visit an infertility centre in Bilaspur if you don’t conceive after a year of trying to get pregnant. You must know that there are more advanced and effective treatment options available for a couple to fulfil their dream of becoming parents.


One of the questions that strike their minds repeatedly is when it is the right time to consult an infertility specialist.

So, to clear out all your doubts, we’ve drafted a blog that can help you to understand the same. Let’s get into it!

·         You face issues in conceiving a child: Preparing to get pregnant can be filled with bad news until the final happy news comes. Today, many couples face difficulty in conceiving and it is possible that one of the partners is to be blamed. But, a variety of circumstances contribute to this. If you are trying to get pregnant for more than a year now without taking any birth control pills and still aren't able to see any results when it is time that you visit an infertility specialist.

·         You are above 40: The age factor plays an important role in conceiving a child. The majority of couples try to get pregnant after they pass their 30s which proves to be a challenging age to conceive. Pregnancy after the age of 35 becomes difficult and couples over the age of 35 have lower chances of conceiving.

·         Have medical conditions: You must know that severe medical issues and infections in the body may cause infertility. Any or both of the couples may face medical issues which may give rise to infertility.

·         Irregular or painful periods: Irregular Menstrual cycles are a symptom that the ovulation process isn't working properly. This can induce infertility in women and can give rise to painful periods. It can grow over time and have a severe impact on you without getting noticed. In case you are facing irregular or painful periods, then you must consult your gynaecologist as soon as possible.

Infertility is a problem for many couples today. It affects both men and women for a variety of reasons. But you must know that it isn't difficult to overcome. To make that possible, you must visit the best IVF centre in Chhattisgarh and talk to the specialist to know about all the treatment options available to treat infertility.