Wednesday 1 May 2024

Learning About the Cost of IVF Treatment in Bilaspur

The cost of IVF treatment that couples pay in Bilaspur ranges between Ras 90,000 to Rs 1,40,000 including medicines. Many couples are there who spend Rs 6,00,000 for having the baby through test tube baby treatment. The cost of IVF treatment in Bilaspur fluctuates due to several reasons that may depend on your clinical history and many other aspects. The cost of IVF treatment varies on the location of the IVF centre and the best IVF centre in Bilaspur you choose for the treatment. Many couples are there who go out of India to get IVF treatment. But why go out and spend a hefty amount on IVF treatment that you can get at the best IVF centre in Bilaspur at an affordable fee?

IVF treatment aspects-

The costs of IVF treatment in Bilaspur can also be based on the aspects. These aspects can have a great effect on the overall success rate of test tube baby treatment. You will easily find the best IVF centre in Bilaspur which provides treatment at an affordable fee and with more discounts to their potential patients.

Below are the aspects that can indirectly increase IVF treatment cost in Bilaspur.

1-     The consultation fee is the prime cost that may increase IVF treatment cost in Bilaspur up to 500 Rs to 2000 Rs.

2-     The cost of IVF treatment can increase because of the age factor, kind of infertility, duration of infertility, and total number of IVF cycles undergone.

3- Most couples need to do is to go for IUI. This may help all to get treatment at a reasonable fee.

4-     Another aspect that contributes to the cost of IVF is the laboratory fee. The whole IVF process is carried out in the glass and that is the reason why it is costly.

5- Many expectants decide to freeze the embryo that they may use in the future which also increases IVF treatment cost.

6-     Often to treat infertility in males by TESA can add up the costs to approx. Rs 18,000 in the treatment process.

What is the cost of embryo freezing in Bilaspur?

After ICSI, people go to freeze the eggs. Frozen embryo transfer provides a high rate of pregnancy. The cost of freezing embryos is Rs 1,35,000 to Rs 1,50,000.


The cost of IVF treatment in Bilaspur varies and call centres don’t have the same fee structure. It depends on the experience, treatment quality, and so on. Going for treatment at the best IVF centre in Bilaspur doesn’t mean that you have to pay a high cost. Many best centres offer the same treatment at a reasonable price. 


Friday 15 March 2024

A Guide to Selecting the Best Gynecologist in Bilaspur

If you are facing something abnormal with your reproductive organs, like sexual issues, periodic issues, or any other kind of problem, it is time to connect with the best gynecologist in Bilaspur. Gynecological issues can be life-threatening. Most of the time, the troubles take place unnoticeably. So, even if you are alight, you must go for timely checkups. Not for now but at least you should choose a good gynecologist in Bilaspur for future needs. When it comes to selecting one for you, it is not at all easy. You have to keep several points in your mind while seeking a doctor.


01- Get the best recommendations-

Getting recommendations from the people whom you have faith can be useful in finding the perfect gynecologist in Bilaspur for you. Not only you will get reviews on your skills, behavior, and experience, but you will also get an idea about how they are offering pre-childbirth and post-childbirth care services to their patients.

02- Experience of the gynae-

Gynecological problems like childlessness are sensitive. Not only the problems associated with it is difficult, but the proper examination is also difficult. Therefore, for you, it is important to come across the best gynecologist in Bilaspur for treating infertility issues.

03- Doctor’s behavior-

You should ensure that you don’t have any problem with the gynae doctor. The doctor may want to get the answers to some personal questions like sexual lifestyles, birth control medications, or monthly cycles. If the doctor acts unfriendly, you will not be able to stay comfortable with them. Often it happens that you don’t share everything with your gynae doctor.

04- Easy availability-

Not only do the experts have to be the best whenever available, but the appointment must also be available very easily and in case of emergencies.

05- Don’t skip looking at the reviews-

When you get recommendations from others, you should not skip checking the reviews of the doctors. Consider the aspects like experience of the doctor in the same field, the behavior of the doctor, fees, and many more. You may get more information about the doctor from others. Doing all these will help you to come across the best gynecologist in Bilaspur.

06- Fee-

If you want to get the services from the best gynecologist in Bilaspur, you must spend cash generously. Do the research earlier on how to manage the treatment and how to take care of yourself after the treatment. This will help you save the cash.


These are the parameters you need to consider when choosing a gynecologist in Bilaspur. You must choose the one whom you can trust fully.