Thursday 16 April 2020

Top 5 Question Answered on Laparoscopy

Here in this blog, I will provide you some questions with their answers that were provided by one of the best female doctors in Bilaspur, Chhattisgarh.

Q1. What exactly is Laparoscopy?
Laparoscopy is an ‘Open’ surgery which involves opening of the abdomen by tiny ‘key hole’ incisions. The endoscope or telescope is used for seeing inside the abdomen. This tool is attached with a camera and a light source for having a view of inside of the abdomen that is projected on to a monitor. The surgeon performs this surgery by looking into the screen. The surgeon makes somewhat 2-4 small cuts on the abdomen with thin surgical instruments that are passed into the abdomen.

Q2. What kind of surgeries can be performed by Laparoscopy?
Laparoscopy can be done sometimes conducted only for the diagnosis. This involves checking whether the tubes are open or not, looks for the causes of infertility or for reasons of pain outside the uterus. When laparoscopy is performed for some surgical procedure inside the abdomen it is called Operative Laparoscopy. This is performed for various reasons like fibroids, endometriosis, removal of ovaries or tubes or both or removal of uterus, for staging of cancers or radical surgeries for cancer.

Q3. Why does an expert surgeon recommend Laparoscopy over Open Surgery?
The experts of laparoscopy center in Bilaspur tell that there are a number of benefits of this surgery rather than the open surgery. Some of the greatest benefits are pain is lesser, less requirement for pain killers, hospital stay is much shorter, complications are fewer, requirement for the blood transfusions is infrequent, recovery is much better and quicker and you can return back to work in lesser days. This surgery is performed to have more precise and magnified view of the abdomen. 

Q4. Will there be much pain or discomfort after Laparoscopic Surgery?
There would be some kind of pain and discomfort in the lower abdomen for one day to few days after Laparoscopic surgery. If we compare this to open surgery, then pains are much less as fine instruments are used instead of rough, big, gloved hands. 

Q5. When could you get discharged from the hospital?
After the Diagnostic Laparoscopy or with simple Operative Laparoscopy, you can easily expect to get discharge from the hospital by the next very morning after the surgery. In other cases, discharge is generally given after the 1-2 days following the surgery unless and until there is some health issues prior to the surgery. You can get discharge soon after the surgery after consulting your doctor in laparoscopy center in Bilaspur.

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