Saturday 9 January 2021

Know All About Test Tube Baby Process

Test tube baby is a conversational term that is used for IVF and under this process; an infertile lady is taken under the medication through injections and medications unless the mature eggs are developed. The mature eggs are removed from her ovary and placed in the test tube or in vitro. In the lab, the eggs are introduced with a healthier and high motility sperm of a donor or husband. Fertilization takes place within 2-3 weeks in the glass. The developed embryos are transferred to the uterus of the female for further development. The success of this process is based upon the age and weight factor. The test tube baby process is quite complex and emotional that demands mental balance and a positive mindset. Plenty of the best test tube baby center in Bilaspur you will find to undergo it.


Why test tube baby becomes essential at the time?

·         When the damage is found in the fallopian tube

·         When a premature ovarian failure occurs

·         When there’s the syndrome of endometriosis

·         When the ovulation is missing and the female doesn’t have more eggs for the fertilization

Steps involved -

When you head to the best nursing home in Bilaspur you need to undergo several steps in the test tube baby treatment. Following are the steps-

Production of eggs through hormone therapy

Before the starting of the process, some hormones are injected into the women namely Gonadotropins and GnHRa. It is done for follicle development inside a female’s ovary. After injecting HCG36, within 3 hours eggs reach to maturity stage.

Eggs are taken from the ovary

Now the eggs are fetched from the ovary. It causes some pain but she is given a sedative. Through ultrasound vaginal probe eggs are removed and taken to the laboratory.

Sperm sample is provided

On the same day of the egg retrieval, a fresh semen sample of men is needed for further process.

Eggs and sperm are introduced

The eggs and sperm are combined in a Petri-dish and are placed into the incubator for several days. During this time the fertilization is monitored.

Introducing fertilized eggs

According to best ivf centre in Chhattisgarh, after the formation of the embryo under the specialist observation at a maternity home in Bilaspur, it is then placed into the uterus of a female. Not just 1 but 2-3 are transferred.


We hope that now you have got the complete idea about test tube baby treatment. You can now choose the right test tube baby center in Bilaspur, Chhattisgarh and undergo it.



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