Friday 11 June 2021

Be Knowledgeable about Menopause before Taking Consultation from a Gynecologist

Menopause is a period that a female experience in her life at the time of menstrual periods reaches the last part. Medically it is termed as the nonappearance of the menstrual period an uninterrupted 12 months. For natural menopause, the average age is 40 years and it may also occur at the early which is termed as premature menopause. The reason for the occurrence of premature menopause is that it includes- surgery, disease, and genetic factor. Also, there are broader distinctions among females with regards to a normal menopause period. If any lady is there in such a condition, she can surely approach the best gynecologist in Chhattisgarh.


What results in premature menopause happening?

Already stated that menopause occurs before 40 years and is premature menopause if it occurs very early.

A medical reason for this is premature ovarian failure. Technically, it isn’t the same as premature menopause.

On the other hand, in premature menopause ovarian stops working the way it should before 40 years of age. Ladies with it may have a menstrual period but they experience childlessness. 

Ultimately ovarian failure is attended by a primary ovarian paucity. Also, it is attended by earlier menopause signs.

Surgery for ovary removal earlier for gentle or cruel conditions results in soon menopause in case of ovaries thrown out. Other ordinary issues that lead to this are hypothalamic tumors and pituitary chronic disease etc.

Know some factors-

·           There isn’t any treatment that can undo it

·           Analytical examinations can display elevated level of the follicle which fuel hormone and estradiol in low level

·           A medical problem cause is an ovarian failure

·           Complications includes the increased risk of osteoporosis and childlessness

·           Hormone therapy and other treatments are there which assists in recovering the symptoms

·           Some more causes are radiation therapy, chemotherapy and surgically removing the ovaries

Sign and symptoms-

According to gynecologist in Bilaspur, Dr. Priya Mishra, the symptoms of earlier menopause are those of the ordinary one and include the below mentioned-

·         Weight gains

·         Night sweats

·         Vaginal dryness

·         Changes in memory

·         Mood swings

·         Pain in vagina during the time of sex

The irregular period precedes menopause and it can start years before periods cease.


No exact cures are there but some options are there through which symptoms can be managed.

·         The assisted reproductive technique

·         Oral pills

·         Antidepressant medication

·         Hormone therapy


Before the condition becomes very bad, it is better to get a consultation from the best gynecologist in Chhattisgarh. Undoubtedly an experienced one can help a lady to overcome this issue.


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