Wednesday 9 February 2022

Procedure followed during the Test Tube Baby

 Test tube baby is a term that is used for a baby that is conceived outside a woman's body. And the procedure by which test tube baby is conceived is popularly known as in vitro fertilization or IVF. In this process, the eggs from the mother's ovaries are retrieved and then it is mixed with the father's perm to perform the fertilization process. Now days, test tube baby is considered as a blessing for those couples who cannot conceive naturally. Test tube baby centre in Korba offers excellent services even by the international standards.


When the couple should opt for a test tube baby?

·         If the male faces issues in low sperm count or low sperm mobility

·         If the mother faces issues like her follicles are weak or her uterus is complicated or has blocked fallopian tubes

·         If father or mother have some disease and they do not want it to be transferred it to their baby

·         If male or female is a single parent they want to fulfil their desire to become parents

What is the procedure followed during test tube baby?

The procedure of test tube baby takes place as follows:

·         To start with, a couple has to select a test tube baby centre in Chhattisgarh to get hassle free treatment done.

·         After consulting an IVF specialist, the couple need to make sure that both of the reproductive organs are working well and fine. If not, then the doctor provides with drugs like gonadotropin which are given in the form of an injection.

·         Continuous monitoring and hormone testing is conducted so as to know the success rate.

·         When the eggs become visible, ultrasound-guided needles are then used to retrieve them.

·         After that, the Mother's eggs are mixed with the father's sperm in a laboratory dish and the process of fertilization takes place.

·         When the embryo is formed out of it, it is monitored for 3 to 5 days to monitor the growth. Survival of the embryo depends upon the mother's health.

·         Also, the excess of the embryos can be put into freezing for the next cycle.

·         After that, transfer of an embryo takes place by sticking it into the mother's uterus.

By reading the above mentioned procedure, you would have get a clear idea of how a test tube baby is carried on. Therefore, if a couple is facing issues in conceiving or getting pregnant naturally, then they must work hard and find the best test tube baby centre in Korba so that they can fulfil their dream of becoming parents. Do follow all the suggestions and recommendations given by your IVF specialist so that you can become parents soon and enjoy the phase of parenthood.

Being the best maternity centre in Chhattisgarh, Sri Siddhi Vinayak Test Tube Baby Center offers advanced, world-class test tube baby for the couples who has no child.

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