Saturday 11 April 2020

When you should opt for IVF treatment?

IVF is considered as one of the most refined treatments but it’ not kept at the place first of treating infertility issues. It is only conducted when the signs arise. Most of the times, delay in the decision making may end up in opting for third-party measures, for this one needs correct and guided approach of IVF center Bilaspur

As patients, we would be filled with a number of questions as to why IVF only. So, here the reasons as so to why you would have to consider IVF. So, here it goes!

·         Fallopian tube damage: Tubal blockage doesn’t always mean that the couple should go for IVF. In this scenario, the decision for treating infertility depends upon the level and grade of the blockage. After this, tubal surgery is recommended. In case, if the tubal surgery fails, then IVF is the method of choice. 

·         Unexplained infertility: When the doctors too aren’t able to diagnose the reasons for infertility, then IVF is the only way out. This condition is frustrating both for the doctor and the couples and also adds stress to it. Also, if the couple’s age is more than 35 years, then going to best IVF center in Bilaspur may be the only option. 

·         Male factor: Here the couple has to face two options: either go for donor sperm or Go for IVF/ICSI and it depends on the sperm count. Other option you would have is SSR. You can consult a doctor that will explain you all the terminology based on it. 

·         Endometriosis: The case of endometriosis is considered as one of the reasons for infertility. But if there’s severe case of endometriosis, then firstly doctors go for tubal pathology. In case, if the tubal surgery fails, then IVF is the only option that is left for the couples. . 

·         Cervical factor or immunological infertility: If the infertility duration of the couple exceeds the limit of 2 years, then IVF is suggested. Also, IVF is considered as soon as after the women exceed the age of 36 years. 

·         Hormonal disturbances: Like in the case of PCOS, there is multiple ovulation induction cycles that fails a woman to get pregnant. Thus, in this case, IVF is the only way out. The number of cycles of ovulation  depend as per the age of female partner but if its exceeding above the 4 cycles, then you must consider visiting IVF center Bilaspur for further treatment.


  1. Infertility is a common problem these days among the couples. As there are many treatments for the infertility available, IVF from a good IVF Centre can be opted.

  2. Thanks for sharing this informative blog. To get more insights on infertility treatment, check our link on Best IVF Centre in Punjab.
