Friday 12 February 2021

Steps You Should Know About the Test Tube Baby Process

The term test tube baby was used for the first time in 1978 with the successful birth of an infant in England, especially thanks to the development of ART which is also called IVF. Today this process is continued and many couples who are facing problems with infertility seek this medical treatment at the test tube baby center in Korba.


Test tube baby, what it is?

The term test tube baby simply means a child which is conceived outside the body of a female. However, a complete definition specifies that test-tube babies are conceived at the lab through the scientific technique named IVF or in-vitro fertilization. The use of the word- test tube is erroneous. It is because, from the starting of this practice, the lab instrument that was used for mixing the sperm and egg was a Petri dish.

Therefore, it can be stated that test-tube baby is the oversimplified terms for the infant that was born via IVF. Hence, there’s no distinction between the test tube baby and IVF.

You can surely go for this miraculous process at the IVF center in Korba if you need it.

Test tube baby - About the process step wise -

Since the successful attempt of this technique, much advancement has been made to IVF but the core process remains to be the same.

Egg production stimulated through hormone therapy - Before egg retrieval, the female is prescribed injectable hormones of gonadotrophins and GnRHa for promoting synchronous growth and maturation of follicles into the ovaries. Final egg maturation is done via injection of HCG, 36 hours earlier of egg collection.

Egg retrieval - Mild sedative is given to a female so she doesn’t feel any pain during this process. Using an ultrasound vaginal probe with the fine hollow needle is attached and the samples immediately are bought to the lab.

Sperm sample is provided - Same day the male is also required to produce a semen sample.

Combining egg and sperm- The egg and sperm are together combined in a Petri dish and then placed onto an incubator for several days. The specialist checks for the fertilization sign and monitors embryo growth.

Fertilized eggs bought into the uterus - The embryo is transferred to the uterus with the help of a fine catheter. For strengthening and supporting uterine lining and increasing implantation possibility she is recommended to administer HCG daily.

 The end

Now you have learned about the steps involved in IVF, so choose the ideal test tube baby center in Korba or best ivf centre in Chhattisgarh and get your baby successfully. Dr. Priya Mishra is highly talented & experienced, best gynecologist in Chhattisgarh


1 comment:

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