Thursday 14 April 2022

Top Known Factors That Increases the Risk of Infertility

 If we talk about infertility in medical terms, then it is a condition where the couple isn’t able to get pregnant even after trying for a year or two. Some of the cases that can lead infertility in a woman can be endometriosis, uterine fibroid and thyroid disease. And in men, the main reasons behind infertility can be low sperm count or low testosterone.


What is infertility?

Medically, a couple is declared as infertile if they fail to conceive within one year of trying. For the couple who are over 35 years of age, should try different treatment options best and must also visit the IVF centre in Chhattisgarh. And for the couple who are over 40 years of age, should seek an immediate evaluation by a gynecologist. A woman who isn’t able to carry a child till birth or if miscarriage happens in between, then it isn’t counted as infertility.

What are the types of infertility?

The issues that occur with female reproductive system generally gives rise to infertility. Research clears the fact that women of age group 30 to 45 face issues with conceiving. There are mainly 2 types of infertility, which are:

1.      A woman who was never got pregnant and isn’t able to conceive even after one year of not using birth control is known as Primary Infertility.

2.      A woman who isn’t able to get pregnant again after having at least one successful pregnancy, this is known as Secondary Infertility.

What are the factors that increases the risk of infertility?

Some of the factors that increases the risk of infertility are:

1.      Women above the age of 35

2.      Uncontrolled Diabetes

3.      Excess eating or poor eating habits.

4.      Excessive consumption of alcohol and drug abuse

5.      Long-term exposure to lead and pesticides

6.      Cancer treatments like Radiation therapy or chemotherapy

7.      Sexually transmitted diseases

8.      Smoking habits

9.      Stress, tension and anxiety

10.  Being overweight or underweight

11.  Abnormal menstruation

12.  Blocked fallopian tubes

13.  Past ectopic pregnancy.

14.  Pelvic inflammatory disease

15.  Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)

16.  Ovarian cysts

17.  Endometriosis, uterine fibroids and uterine polyps

18.  Thyroid

How one can prevent Infertility?

The above mentioned reasons clear out all the possible reasons that cause infertility in women. Still, there are some of the ways that can help the couples in avoiding infertility, those are:

1.      Taking a well-balanced diet and doing regular exercise.

2.      Avoiding smoking, drugs and alcohol.

3.      Plan your pregnancy ahead so that you are able to conceive naturally.

4.      Keeping an eye on your reproductive health.

If you still face issues in conceiving, then it may be the time to consider other treatments options and start this journey by visiting IVF centre in Chhattisgarh.

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