Tuesday 10 May 2022

Myths & Facts about Laparoscopic Hysteroscopy

 In a survey, it has been found out that almost all the diseases that previously required open surgery can now be treated with laparoscopic hysteroscopy in Bilaspur. Now, laparoscopic surgery is one and only which is considered as greeting any disease beginning from abdominal adhesions to more severe illnesses like genital cancers. Even though laparoscopy is a very common type of surgery that is conducted, still there are a number of myths related to it which are discussed below.


Myth: Patients who had undergone abdominal surgeries in the past are not considered safe for laparoscopic surgery

Fact: It doesn't matter the number of previous skin incisions, laparoscopic surgery can be performed successfully in the patients who had undergone several injuries in the past. There are some special procedures that are followed during the surgery that doesn't impose any threat to the patient.


Myth: Laparoscopic surgery isn't possible with ovarian cysts are fibroids

Fact: The laparoscopic surgery doesn't involve massive abdominal incisions. Also, the exact cause of ovarian cysts are known with laparoscopic.


Myth: Laparoscopy is it considered for the patients who had or now having an abdominal infection

Fact: Laparoscopy isn't risky surgery that might put a patient's life to risk. Therefore, one can undergo laparoscopy with a prior or ongoing abdominal infection also. This surgery also involves reduced in incision duration which is considered as an added advantage of experiencing postoperative infection.


Myth: Laparoscopic surgery is considered as more expensive than an open surgery

Fact: Just because of the fact that laparoscopic surgery involves minimal incisions results in less building, discomfort and healing time. Therefore, the need for hospitalization and treatment gets decreased. As an outcome, laparoscopic surgery is considered as much less expensive as open surgery.


Myth: Laparoscopic surgery isn't considered for the people who are underweight for overweight

Fact: You wouldn't be aware of the fact that laparoscopic instruments are available in various sizes and lengths. Therefore, the doctors perform laparoscopy efficiently and procedure is much easier. Also, the instruments are used according to the patient's body shape.


Myth: Laparoscopic surgery take long hours and this exposes the patient to anaesthesia for longer duration of time

Fact: The laparoscopic surgery takes same amount of time as an open surgery takes. During the laparoscopic hysteroscopy in Bilaspur, the doctors use local anaesthesia which reduces the risks that are associated with general anaesthesia.

The above mentioned myths and facts clear about the fact that laparoscopic surgery is quite safe and successful. In this medical advancement era, the surgery involves reduced rate of bleeding which also results in elimination for the need of blood transfusions. It is important for all the patients to bust out the myths related to the laparoscopic surgery.

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