Sunday 13 November 2022

Cost of Treatment at the Best IVF Centre in Chhattisgarh

It is a commonly known thing that no female would feel to be complete without having her baby. Some unfortunate couples are there who fail to attain pregnancy in a normal way because of some complexities. One must try all possible ways and means to get pregnant before going to IVF treatment. The cost of IVF treatment differs from clinic to clinic. On the other hand, the best IVF centre in Chhattisgarh would charge fair costs because they understand the patients' needs deeply.


What a couple should ideally do is trying and has unprotected sex for a year and then also if one fails to get pregnant, then it is good to go for IVF treatment. IVF means that the egg of a lady is removed from her body and put into the lab with the sperm of a male. The two are mixed under favorable conditions and then placed back into a lady’s body. In this way, the chances of getting pregnant become higher. It is acceptable fact that the lady gives birth to several children when then goes for IVF which is also named test tube baby. IVF treatment can be costlier and the patient needs to be aware of what she will get when going to the IVF clinic.

Many best IVF centre in Chhattisgarh are there waiting for the patients to come and offer them the treatment and help them to become a parent. On the other hand, many more centers are also there that are waiting for desperate patients to come so they can take full advantage and charge the high fee in return for IVF treatment. The greedy ones thrive on the insecurities and problems of the patients and get all the money they need from them and let them stay in danger of their health condition.  Therefore, one needs to choose the best IVF centre in Chhattisgarh only. Also one should be knowledgeable about the process and costs for each stage of the cure before starting it with no clue.

Nearly, 90% of problems are cured successfully through IVF.  However at the best IVF centre in Chhattisgarh, one has to bear a long waiting list. One must ensure to ask well in advance about the costs of IVF treatment at the best center and must also keep in mind that many other costs are there which may go parallel to IVF. Many websites are there providing free information on the costs associated with IVF.  Analyze, compare and then only go for it so that you do not get frustrated in the end.

Wednesday 14 September 2022

A Simple Guide to Taking You to the Best IVF Centre in Chhattisgarh

To have own child is a dream of all husbands and wives. On the other hand, it is a bitter truth that all husbands and wives are not able to conceive a baby naturally. For those who are trying to have their own baby for so long but have not got success yet, consulting a fertility expert and opting for the best treatment would be the right choice. This will bring you to a big confusion regarding choosing the right fertility expert. With the number of fertility centers available and all of them making the same promises, it is vital to understand the factors that will help you to take to the right one. Choosing the best IVF centre in Chhattisgarh requires in-depth research from your side. To make the selection of the best IVF centre easier, here we have listed a few tips that will help you to choose the best one for you who can promise you a baby with the first trial only. Let us now talk about those tips in detail.


Success rate

It is one of the most important things that all husbands and wives should mandatorily consider when they decide to choose the best IVF centre in Chhattisgarh. Many fertility clinics that offer IVF mentions the rate of success on their website. Also, it is important for you to talk about the rate of success in-depth personally. Understand that different rates are associated with different IVF centres and also vary as per the age group of the people.

Consider the experience of the clinical staff

The best IVF centre in Chhattisgarh will have a team of skilled ones with specialization in the infertility treatments like IVF. IVF is an expensive treatment and must be treated by the best panel of experts only. The whole staff at the IVF centre not only includes doctors, but also includes nurses, lab staff, counselors, and financial advisors. A visit to the centre and having to face to face talks with the people working there can possibly help you to get a feel of the atmosphere at the treatment centre.


IVF may take a considerable amount of period to complete. Duration should be always considered because a female would be needed to undergo the treatment over a period of time. If the treatment centre is situated at a sizeable distance from your home, make sure to arrange the right accommodation until the treatment completes.

The end

These are a few important things to consider when choosing the best IVF centre in Chhattisgarh.


Friday 10 June 2022

When is The Right Time To Consult An Infertility Specialist?

 Infertility is one of the common issues that affect both men and women. Couples aren’t comfortable enough to discuss their issues with a professional. Due to this, they try to explore more natural methods of conceiving for a year before they make proceed with a decision. But it is always suggested that you must visit an infertility centre in Bilaspur if you don’t conceive after a year of trying to get pregnant. You must know that there are more advanced and effective treatment options available for a couple to fulfil their dream of becoming parents.


One of the questions that strike their minds repeatedly is when it is the right time to consult an infertility specialist.

So, to clear out all your doubts, we’ve drafted a blog that can help you to understand the same. Let’s get into it!

·         You face issues in conceiving a child: Preparing to get pregnant can be filled with bad news until the final happy news comes. Today, many couples face difficulty in conceiving and it is possible that one of the partners is to be blamed. But, a variety of circumstances contribute to this. If you are trying to get pregnant for more than a year now without taking any birth control pills and still aren't able to see any results when it is time that you visit an infertility specialist.

·         You are above 40: The age factor plays an important role in conceiving a child. The majority of couples try to get pregnant after they pass their 30s which proves to be a challenging age to conceive. Pregnancy after the age of 35 becomes difficult and couples over the age of 35 have lower chances of conceiving.

·         Have medical conditions: You must know that severe medical issues and infections in the body may cause infertility. Any or both of the couples may face medical issues which may give rise to infertility.

·         Irregular or painful periods: Irregular Menstrual cycles are a symptom that the ovulation process isn't working properly. This can induce infertility in women and can give rise to painful periods. It can grow over time and have a severe impact on you without getting noticed. In case you are facing irregular or painful periods, then you must consult your gynaecologist as soon as possible.

Infertility is a problem for many couples today. It affects both men and women for a variety of reasons. But you must know that it isn't difficult to overcome. To make that possible, you must visit the best IVF centre in Chhattisgarh and talk to the specialist to know about all the treatment options available to treat infertility.

Tuesday 10 May 2022

Myths & Facts about Laparoscopic Hysteroscopy

 In a survey, it has been found out that almost all the diseases that previously required open surgery can now be treated with laparoscopic hysteroscopy in Bilaspur. Now, laparoscopic surgery is one and only which is considered as greeting any disease beginning from abdominal adhesions to more severe illnesses like genital cancers. Even though laparoscopy is a very common type of surgery that is conducted, still there are a number of myths related to it which are discussed below.


Myth: Patients who had undergone abdominal surgeries in the past are not considered safe for laparoscopic surgery

Fact: It doesn't matter the number of previous skin incisions, laparoscopic surgery can be performed successfully in the patients who had undergone several injuries in the past. There are some special procedures that are followed during the surgery that doesn't impose any threat to the patient.


Myth: Laparoscopic surgery isn't possible with ovarian cysts are fibroids

Fact: The laparoscopic surgery doesn't involve massive abdominal incisions. Also, the exact cause of ovarian cysts are known with laparoscopic.


Myth: Laparoscopy is it considered for the patients who had or now having an abdominal infection

Fact: Laparoscopy isn't risky surgery that might put a patient's life to risk. Therefore, one can undergo laparoscopy with a prior or ongoing abdominal infection also. This surgery also involves reduced in incision duration which is considered as an added advantage of experiencing postoperative infection.


Myth: Laparoscopic surgery is considered as more expensive than an open surgery

Fact: Just because of the fact that laparoscopic surgery involves minimal incisions results in less building, discomfort and healing time. Therefore, the need for hospitalization and treatment gets decreased. As an outcome, laparoscopic surgery is considered as much less expensive as open surgery.


Myth: Laparoscopic surgery isn't considered for the people who are underweight for overweight

Fact: You wouldn't be aware of the fact that laparoscopic instruments are available in various sizes and lengths. Therefore, the doctors perform laparoscopy efficiently and procedure is much easier. Also, the instruments are used according to the patient's body shape.


Myth: Laparoscopic surgery take long hours and this exposes the patient to anaesthesia for longer duration of time

Fact: The laparoscopic surgery takes same amount of time as an open surgery takes. During the laparoscopic hysteroscopy in Bilaspur, the doctors use local anaesthesia which reduces the risks that are associated with general anaesthesia.

The above mentioned myths and facts clear about the fact that laparoscopic surgery is quite safe and successful. In this medical advancement era, the surgery involves reduced rate of bleeding which also results in elimination for the need of blood transfusions. It is important for all the patients to bust out the myths related to the laparoscopic surgery.

Thursday 14 April 2022

Top Known Factors That Increases the Risk of Infertility

 If we talk about infertility in medical terms, then it is a condition where the couple isn’t able to get pregnant even after trying for a year or two. Some of the cases that can lead infertility in a woman can be endometriosis, uterine fibroid and thyroid disease. And in men, the main reasons behind infertility can be low sperm count or low testosterone.


What is infertility?

Medically, a couple is declared as infertile if they fail to conceive within one year of trying. For the couple who are over 35 years of age, should try different treatment options best and must also visit the IVF centre in Chhattisgarh. And for the couple who are over 40 years of age, should seek an immediate evaluation by a gynecologist. A woman who isn’t able to carry a child till birth or if miscarriage happens in between, then it isn’t counted as infertility.

What are the types of infertility?

The issues that occur with female reproductive system generally gives rise to infertility. Research clears the fact that women of age group 30 to 45 face issues with conceiving. There are mainly 2 types of infertility, which are:

1.      A woman who was never got pregnant and isn’t able to conceive even after one year of not using birth control is known as Primary Infertility.

2.      A woman who isn’t able to get pregnant again after having at least one successful pregnancy, this is known as Secondary Infertility.

What are the factors that increases the risk of infertility?

Some of the factors that increases the risk of infertility are:

1.      Women above the age of 35

2.      Uncontrolled Diabetes

3.      Excess eating or poor eating habits.

4.      Excessive consumption of alcohol and drug abuse

5.      Long-term exposure to lead and pesticides

6.      Cancer treatments like Radiation therapy or chemotherapy

7.      Sexually transmitted diseases

8.      Smoking habits

9.      Stress, tension and anxiety

10.  Being overweight or underweight

11.  Abnormal menstruation

12.  Blocked fallopian tubes

13.  Past ectopic pregnancy.

14.  Pelvic inflammatory disease

15.  Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)

16.  Ovarian cysts

17.  Endometriosis, uterine fibroids and uterine polyps

18.  Thyroid

How one can prevent Infertility?

The above mentioned reasons clear out all the possible reasons that cause infertility in women. Still, there are some of the ways that can help the couples in avoiding infertility, those are:

1.      Taking a well-balanced diet and doing regular exercise.

2.      Avoiding smoking, drugs and alcohol.

3.      Plan your pregnancy ahead so that you are able to conceive naturally.

4.      Keeping an eye on your reproductive health.

If you still face issues in conceiving, then it may be the time to consider other treatments options and start this journey by visiting IVF centre in Chhattisgarh.

Tuesday 15 March 2022

How would you choose a Trustworthy Gynaecologist?

 Are you the one experiencing some or the other reproductive system problems? Do you experience intense cramps and heavy bleeding during your menstrual cycle? Is this worrying you? Even though you are perfectly fit and fine from inside, it is still important that you receive regular check-ups from your trusted gynaecologist in Chhattisgarh. Since you will be discussing intimate concerns during your appointment, knowing how to find a trusted gynaecologist plays an important role. 


In this blog, we’ll be talking about some of the ways to find the best and trusted gynaecologist near you.

Go through the Reviews: When you are in need of the services offered by the gynaecologist, you can go through the reviews offered by other patients. This data can greatly help you in seeing how other patients felt during their appointments with the gynaecologist. This can set up your mind about what you can expect during the visit to gynaecologist.

Review the Services Offered: Before you visit any hospital or clinic, ensure that the gynaecologist you choose offers all the services that you require. You can even go through their website and look for the services such as laparoscopic surgery, treatment for endometriosis and PCOD or PCOD treatment.

Get to Know the Doctor’s Specialty: While you will be in the process of selecting a trustworthy gynaecologist, you would find that some of the doctors would prefer more into the obstetrics, while other prefer gynaecology. If you want to get checked for a particular condition or procedure, then you must select a doctor based upon the areas you need.

Go to Know Their Values: When you are in the process of finding a gynaecologist, you’ll always want to work with someone who shares same set of values as you do. A trustworthy doctor should be able to listen to you, offer better treatment options and help you where you find yourselves to be very weak.

Evaluate the Bedside Manner: Some of the doctors or gynaecologists behave in an abrupt manner while interacting with their patients. While this shouldn’t be the scene as a gynaecologist must be someone who listens patiently to you. The goal and objective should be to involve in a two-way conversation with the health provider than to rush towards a predetermined result. One should feel comfortable enough to talk to a gynaecologist than to feel insecure.

Verify Their Experience: Before you book an appointment with the gynaecologist in Chhattisgarh, ensure that you verify your doctor’s experience. You need to check their years of practising medicine, specific certifications that they carry, and so on. Once you get an idea that your gynaecologist has required experience that you need, you can book an appointment for yourself.

Wednesday 9 February 2022

Procedure followed during the Test Tube Baby

 Test tube baby is a term that is used for a baby that is conceived outside a woman's body. And the procedure by which test tube baby is conceived is popularly known as in vitro fertilization or IVF. In this process, the eggs from the mother's ovaries are retrieved and then it is mixed with the father's perm to perform the fertilization process. Now days, test tube baby is considered as a blessing for those couples who cannot conceive naturally. Test tube baby centre in Korba offers excellent services even by the international standards.


When the couple should opt for a test tube baby?

·         If the male faces issues in low sperm count or low sperm mobility

·         If the mother faces issues like her follicles are weak or her uterus is complicated or has blocked fallopian tubes

·         If father or mother have some disease and they do not want it to be transferred it to their baby

·         If male or female is a single parent they want to fulfil their desire to become parents

What is the procedure followed during test tube baby?

The procedure of test tube baby takes place as follows:

·         To start with, a couple has to select a test tube baby centre in Chhattisgarh to get hassle free treatment done.

·         After consulting an IVF specialist, the couple need to make sure that both of the reproductive organs are working well and fine. If not, then the doctor provides with drugs like gonadotropin which are given in the form of an injection.

·         Continuous monitoring and hormone testing is conducted so as to know the success rate.

·         When the eggs become visible, ultrasound-guided needles are then used to retrieve them.

·         After that, the Mother's eggs are mixed with the father's sperm in a laboratory dish and the process of fertilization takes place.

·         When the embryo is formed out of it, it is monitored for 3 to 5 days to monitor the growth. Survival of the embryo depends upon the mother's health.

·         Also, the excess of the embryos can be put into freezing for the next cycle.

·         After that, transfer of an embryo takes place by sticking it into the mother's uterus.

By reading the above mentioned procedure, you would have get a clear idea of how a test tube baby is carried on. Therefore, if a couple is facing issues in conceiving or getting pregnant naturally, then they must work hard and find the best test tube baby centre in Korba so that they can fulfil their dream of becoming parents. Do follow all the suggestions and recommendations given by your IVF specialist so that you can become parents soon and enjoy the phase of parenthood.

Being the best maternity centre in Chhattisgarh, Sri Siddhi Vinayak Test Tube Baby Center offers advanced, world-class test tube baby for the couples who has no child.